welcome to Our latest and greatest adventure

Just some tidbits of info

For those unaware, Steven and I have lived the “no” adventure for a while. From loss to infertility to literally every corner we turned “no” was the answer when it came to a child/set of children. 

In August of 2022, we decided, “fine, God, we’re done trying” and got out of the way.

In less than a week after that statement, I told him one Saturday “I don’t want to go oversees next summer, let’s just go to Montana to Glacier National Park or something”… to which he agreed. 12 hours later an email comes in from a social worker in the north Mississippi area “hey, I know y’all only wanted domestic but would you consider our {insert country here} Program.”…. okay, God, I KNOW you heard me because I said it OUT LOUD not even twelve hours ago… fast forward… sure, we won’t limit anything He may have in store for us, why not.

Conversations ensued, specific to one child… from the beginning. That’s not how these things typically work either (more to come in a post, later on).

Please pray for the little one across the ocean that’s name is at the top of our prayer list, daily, regardless of what God has in store for him, and pray for us, as we are in the long process to go meet him.